Why you need to fix your Social Media before a Job Search

Social media posts are a reflection of your character, and often the first impression employers will have of you, therefore it is important to pause and reflect on your own profiles before embarking on a job search, and consider what recruiters are reviewing on your virtual resume.

Though we live in a digital age, some candidates are still not tailoring their online profiles when applying for jobs. Your social print is as important as tidying up your CV, so special consideration needs to be taken.

Because long gone are the days where candidates are assessed purely on their interview, CV and references, and recruiters now have a whole lot of information at their fingertips about you from all of your social media profiles, potential candidates need to be savvy when it comes to fixing up their social media and giving themselves the best chance to secure the job of their dreams.

Oversharing some personal information which may be incriminating such as inappropriate pictures or content can go against you, and a negative profile can be what makes you miss out on a job, even if you are a great candidate in all other areas.

Wondering what else recruiters will find a turn off?

  • ‘I hate my boss’ style posts
  • Rude language
  • Discriminatory comments
  • Poor communication or sloppy grammar
  • Unprofessional screen names
  • Information about the use of drugs and alcohol
  • Extremism/racism/sexism
  • Angry or extremely negative sounding status updates

Recruiter’s digging deep into your digital footprint might seem scary or worrying, but there is no reason why you cannot use this to your own advantage. If you are hoping to secure a role but wonder what your social persona will showcase, try these tips:

  • Use engagement responsibly, as when you like/comment/share a post, it is equal to promoting it.
  • Have a good look at each profile, as though you are a recruiter, and think about how things might affect your potential to secure a good job.
  • Adjust your privacy settings accordingly, to show only the content/photos you want to be seen.
  • Think about what will make you stand out from the crowd – what have you done for the community? Are you a member of any civic groups? Do you volunteer? Have you completed a half marathon? This is your chance to shine, especially if any of your interests or voluntary work relate to your industry.
  • Whatever profession you work in, ensure your LinkedIn profile is up to date and does not contradict your CV.

Using social media is an individual choice of course, and you may think maybe it is more hassle than it’s worth, and decide to delete your profiles. If social media and technology is not directly relevant to your profession, it might be completely acceptable to go down this route.

However, it can raise suspicion if you have no presence at all, as perhaps you have something big to hide, or if your role entails using the latest technology, it may raise concerns about your lack of technical ability and knowledge of digital trends.

Social media is a fantastic tool which when used correctly can really give you the edge, so ensure you are ticking all of the boxes with an exemplary virtual footprint.

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