What makes construction workers tick?

Construction workers are known for handing out tough, dreaded initiations, especially for apprentices, yet workplace banter like this is what makes 76% happy to get up on a Monday morning, according to A HR News survey of 1,220 workers.

In a 2015 report aimed at discovering in which job sector workers are happiest, construction and facility service workers came out on top, out of 30,000 employees across more than 500 organisations in 12 industries.

TINYpulse’s Best Industry Report which gathered anonymous information from one-question feedback surveys, highlighted a steady growth in construction job satisfaction.

One of the biggest boosts in satisfied workers was rooted in good relationships with colleagues. The survey found that 34% of the happiest employees say that positive relationships with peers and colleagues are what fuel their workplace harmony.

In the report, Jay Walter, general manager of JWH Group, summed up the overall effect on happiness the industry has on its workers. “This is an industry that has many walks of life with people working in an office to people out on site,” he says.

“One thing that unites everybody at the end of the day is kicking back for a little bit with a few beers and talking stuff out–the good and the bad.

If people have an issue, they will come see a manager during office hours, but sometimes the best environment is when people can relax a bit and just have a drink alongside a manager.”

A survey conducted by Simply Business of 17,000 tradespeople, revealed that 54% find workplace banter the most enjoyable aspect of their job.

Tragically, it was recently reported that a teenage apprentice working in a car dealership committed suicide after pranks from co-workers started to cross the line.

While valuing banter and having a laugh is good news for morale and mental health, there is often a fine line between banter and bullying, and construction workers must make sure their sense of humour is shared by all involved.

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