Healthcare Dominating Job Market in the UK

Healthcare has been the most significant sector in terms of both the number of vacancies and the average monthly growth in the UK’s job market.

Hospitals have seen an increase of around 20,000 doctors since 2006, according to the National Health Service.

Joblift, a meta-search engine, analysed the 9million+ job advertisements that were published in 2017 in the UK.

It found that the healthcare sector issued 11.8% of all job postings in the UK, and has grown by 1.9% on average monthly.

The NHS directly advertised around 40,000 jobs last year, which places just behind Aldi, who advertised a huge 55,000 positions.

Nursing was the most in demand profession of 2017, with around 200,000 positions advertised and an average monthly increase of 1.9%.

Permanent positions continued to dominate, accounting for 78.4% of all vacancies, however these contracts saw a monthly decrease of 0.6%.

Alternatively, while temporary contracts made up 13.4% of the job market, they increased 4.7% monthly on average.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Current Employment Statistics Survey in December 2017 revealed that private education and healthcare services added 54,000 jobs in November, driven by increases in ambulatory healthcare services, which added 25,000 jobs.

Over the year, this industry added 218,000 jobs, accounting for 72% of the job gains in healthcare during the same period.

Within ambulatory care, employment continued to trend up in offices of physicians (+7000), outpatient care centres (+4000) and home health care services (+7000) in November 2017.

Following closely behind the healthcare sector is Sales and Trading which accounts for 10.8% of all vacancies and 0.3% of growth, and Information & Communication Technology (ICT) which accounts for 10.3% of the job market and 1.2% growth.

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